A Warm Welcome to the Royal Auckland Golf Club
You are now a member of a grand institution which has been part of Auckland golf since the 19th century and on our present site at Middlemore since 1909. The Club is really proud of its history, and of the traditions that have evolved over that time so we want to make sure you can play your part in continuing the heritage of the Club.
We enjoy Royal Auckland as an oasis, and a place to escape from the pressures of daily life. Therefore we'd like you to take a few minutes to read this note of welcome to help you become aware of the way we go about things to make your membership a pleasure for you and others.
If you ever have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask our staff either in the office or the pro shop. They're all well acquainted with our systems and will be very happy to help. You'll be sent a copy of the "Blue Book". This is the Club's annual publication containing the names of all members and it lists the golf and club events. It also explains the Club's rules, playing rights and expected standards of etiquette.
Take some time to get to know who your fellow members are and become familiar with the Club's processes.
To save you from any "awkward" moments, there are some practices that we'd especially like you to remember:
Mobile Phones
We are here to play golf and relax, not to do business or organise our social life! Therefore mobile phones are not to be used in the clubhouse, or anywhere on the course except in a medical emergency. If you need to make a call before or after golf then please do so in the car park.
Dress Rules
Golf is a game of standards and we like to think that we uphold the best of golf's standards. Therefore we ask you to please read our Dress Code and adhere to our rules. When you bring a guest to the Club, please ensure they too are aware of these rules.
Course Rules
Royal Auckland Golf Club is blessed with world class playing surfaces, especially on the fairways and greens. Our fairways are couch grass which require plenty of tender loving care from the greens staff to be maintained to the standard we've come to expect.
You can play an important part in this maintenance.
Do not replace your divots when you hit from the fairway but instead fill the divot with sand. All players, including those who carry their bag, must take a sand bucket with them. Sand buckets are available at the first tee, and there are barrels full of sand at every tee so these buckets can be refilled when required. Fill the divot with sand to overflowing as shown to the right.
Note how the divot hole is filled with sand to grass height.
The couch loves sand and it will grow back reasonably quickly. On all other parts of the course, any divots that are taken should be replaced, and that includes the rough.
All pitch marks in the greens should be repaired. A properly repaired pitch mark will allow the green to recover within 24 hours. You will receive a pitch repair tool as part of your membership kit. Please use it.
Please rake all bunkers into an even flat surface after you have played out of them. Nobody likes bad lies in the bunkers and after the green staff have raked them each week they are perfect so it's up to the members to keep them that way. Please leave the head of the rake in the bunker facing the green.
We are very proud of our Club and the course, and every member plays his or her part in maintaining those standards. Please play your part.... and we look forward to you enjoying many happy years as a part of Royal Auckland Golf Club.